Quarentena Liv(r)e

Quarentena Liv(r)e (QL), meaning Free Quarantine, were a series of online gatherings and performances organised by the Institute for HUmanity, Rights and Democracy (IHUDD), as a space for reflection and debate about the current situation related to Brazilian politics and the pandemics. The events happened twice a week and gathered artists, academics, and musicians as well as invited guests. Topics of discussion were varied and included political issues, history, art, war, religion, racism, indigenous culture, mental health, physics, music, imaginary, international issues, human rights, revolutions, Marxism, cryptocurrencies, aerospace culture, pandemics, environment, queer, cure, and love.

Fixed team of debaters:
Participants in Quarentana Liv(r)e sessions included José Roberto Aguilar, painter, performer and writer; Fábio Otheguy Fernandes, economist; Hugo Albuquerque, lawyer; Danielly O.m.m., architect, film maker and artist; Douglas M. Ferreira, sociologist and researcher in public policies; Eduarda Sansão, lawyer, Sergio Villafranca, pianist.

List of episodes with Playsound soundtrack:

16# – balanço de fogo em boca de pedreira [balance of fire in stoners mouth] – With Pedra Homem and Ariane Stolfi

#19 – Deus e Bolsonaro na Terra do Sol: acharam o Queiroz, e agora? [Queiroz was founf, what about now?] – With César Gananian

#20 – poesia e luta em pindorama [fight and poetry in pindorama] – with Narubia Werreria

#22 – a experiência e a vivência amazônica [the amazon living experience] – with ackson Rêgo Matos , Chico Malta, Helder Gama e Eduardo Serique

#24 – quebrando cadeias [braking jails] – with Sérgio de Souza – \url{https://youtu.be/mRRokwUAPsY}

#26 – Marx Selvagem [savage Marx]- with Jean Tible

27# Simulacro e Simulação! [simulacrum and simulation!] – with Marco Mendez – \url{https://youtu.be/QhYxa8ruaw0}

#29 – saci-e subjetividades, arte, ciências espaciais [saci-e subjectivity, art, spacial sciences]- with Fabiane Borges

#30 – Dr. Monstrutivista [dr. Monsterivist]- with Lucio Agra

#32 – a luta e a terra [the fight and the land] – with Frederico Daia Firmiano

# 33 – O dharma neofascista do liberalismo na América [The neofascist dharma of liberalism in America] – with Cauê Seignemartin Ameni

#36- 1 + 1 = ? – with Livio Tragtenberg

#40: Quarenta: [Forty] – with the fixed team of debaters

#42 – Sinfonia de Jards [Jards’Symphony]- with Jards Macalé

44 – Ontologia sufinambá [Sufinambá Onthology] – with Marcelo Ariel (played minimoog)